Why is techqueria exploring a Lyft partnership?
Franklin Salazar
I do not see why an org like techqueria is actually pursuing a partnership with such a company that has proven to be damaging to our communities. Is the org okay with companies with such practices? What kind of message is techqueria sending to its community if they are giving a platform to a company like lyft?Very disappointed that an org like this is even considering the partnership. What does Techqueria the organization stands for? its community and the members of it or just corporate money?
Margarita Caraballo
Chloe Potsklan
Hi Franklin,
Thank you for submitting feedback and please excuse the delay in response.
The Lyft partnership is something that has been explored, discussed, and debated for several months at this point. For example, https://techqueria.slack.com/archives/C01LZBSKNPP/p1612552683017200.
As a result of that, we decided to leave the the final decision up to the community in the form of a Polly Poll that we shared and promoted within #Announcements (https://techqueria.slack.com/archives/C0KQMNU5A/p1620666059251700).
The poll was open from May 10-17th and resulted in a majority agreeing with moving forward with the partnership. Going forward, we will still be sticking with our No Tech For ICE policy but also work on an expanded Do No Harm Policy. Additionally, for companies that exist in more of an ethical grey-area, we have decided to put those to community votes as needed with a similar work flow as described above.