Salary transparency Request on Jobs Channel
Can we mandate companies include salary bands for their job listing when they’re listing on TQ slack? Surely they know what they're willing to pay. The lack of transparency only serves them and their vanity metrics.
Why aren’t we setting the rules and making the changes we want to see in the world on our own platform?
Sometimes they need a little help to stop tokenizing us.
Margarita Caraballo
Annelise Hagar Preciado
in progress
Moving forward with exploring requiring this from companies/recruiters posting jobs on our jobs board.
Frances Coronel
Annelise Hagar Preciado: Salary range is required on the job board:
Annelise Hagar Preciado
Thank you for this idea, Tony! We're really excited to explore implementing this. Like Jasmin Gonzalez mentioned, this may be a more feasible requirement for our Jobs Board since job postings there come directly from the companies or recruiters. Compared to the variety of folks we notice posting in the #jobs channels who may not have insight into that information. We will however continue to keep the optional "Salary Range" field in the "Post a new job" workflow in Slack to continue encouraging transparency.
Frances Coronel
Annelise Hagar Preciado: I confirmed that the workflow already required salary range to be submitted as part of workflow. There's not a way to verify that they've actually entered salary range but at least text is required.
Annelise Hagar Preciado
Frances Coronel: thank you for confirming. That's a great start. Will sync with you live to learn more.
Jasmin Gonzalez
Requiring salary on the jobs board may be more feasible as the person posting in our channel may not have visibility on salary whereas the board is usually posted by a recruiter from the company